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"The Enigmatic Encounter: My Surreal Adventure with Purple Chewbacca"

The Purple Chewbacca 

This dream happened in 1991 when I was 15 years old. I was on the playground at my old elementary school I use to attend and the time of day appeared to be late afterschool or at a time when school was out throughout the dream. It seemed like 4:00pm or 5:00pm. I was watching my brother and his best friend, Casey Peak, and both were about 11 years old and now attend this elementary school. They were both at the monkey bars on the playground of the school doing what typical kids normally do. Without warning, the green field that’s beyond the asphalt of the playground begins to turn into an ocean. I was mesmerized and intrigued by this and when my brother and his friend noticed the change, they approached the water as the waves were beating down which now appeared to be sand where the grass was. As I looked out at the ocean, it was quiet and foggy as far as the eye could see along with typical ocean sounds. One minute, I looked down at the water at my feet as the waves were landing on them. When I looked back up, I saw a Wookiee with purple colored fur and a gold sash over its shoulder, which is a tall, strong and hairy looking creature from the Star Wars movie franchise reminiscent of a Sasquatch. When I tell people this dream, I always refer it as “The Purple Chewbacca.” It was riding one of those rafts that looked like it was made from 4 or 5 long logs with a sail and a flag above. When I initially saw it, I thought maybe the Wookiee was friendly like Chewbacca is in the movies but as it got close to shore, I can sense in the dream it wasn’t friendly just by the look on its face as it looked angry. Also, I noticed the ocean was fading back to the field and I ran towards my bicycle and road off into the hallways where the classrooms were. Once I got away, I realized I left my brother and his friend behind and l went back to get them before the Wookiee hurt or killed them. When I went back, my fears were all too real. However, instead of being scared of the Wookiee, my brother and his friend were pointing and laughing at it, initially, then tried playing with it by teasing and antagonizing it. I don’t know if they didn’t sense danger but I certainly did. I kept pleading with them to stop but they wouldn’t. They had it pincered and the boys still antagonized it and the Wookiee, despite not seeming too intelligent after making my observations of it, had this body language that it wanted to attack but unsure which one to get. After that, the dream ended.

The Purple Chewbacca This dream happened in 1991 when I was 15 years old. I was on the playground at my old elementary school I use to attend and the time of day appeared to be late afterschool or at a time when school was out throughout the dream. It seemed like 4:00pm or 5:00pm. I was watching my brother and his best friend, Casey Peak, and both were about 11 years old and now attend this elementary school. They were both at the monkey bars on the playground of the school doing what typical kids normally do. Without warning, the green field that’s beyond the asphalt of the playground begins to turn into an ocean. I was mesmerized and intrigued by this and when my brother and his friend noticed the change, they approached the water as the waves were beating down which now appeared to be sand where the grass was. As I looked out at the ocean, it was quiet and foggy as far as the eye could see along with typical ocean sounds. One minute, I looked down at the water at my feet as the waves were landing on them. When I looked back up, I saw a Wookiee with purple colored fur and a gold sash over its shoulder, which is a tall, strong and hairy looking creature from the Star Wars movie franchise reminiscent of a Sasquatch. When I tell people this dream, I always refer it as “The Purple Chewbacca.” It was riding one of those rafts that looked like it was made from 4 or 5 long logs with a sail and a flag above. When I initially saw it, I thought maybe the Wookiee was friendly like Chewbacca is in the movies but as it got close to shore, I can sense in the dream it wasn’t friendly just by the look on its face as it looked angry. Also, I noticed the ocean was fading back to the field and I ran towards my bicycle and road off into the hallways where the classrooms were. Once I got away, I realized I left my brother and his friend behind and l went back to get them before the Wookiee hurt or killed them. When I went back, my fears were all too real. However, instead of being scared of the Wookiee, my brother and his friend were pointing and laughing at it, initially, then tried playing with it by teasing and antagonizing it. I don’t know if they didn’t sense danger but I certainly did. I kept pleading with them to stop but they wouldn’t. They had it pincered and the boys still antagonized it and the Wookiee, despite not seeming too intelligent after making my observations of it, had this body language that it wanted to attack but unsure which one to get. After that, the dream ended.

Dreams often reflect our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, using symbols and narratives that can be specific to the dreamer. Your dream about “The Purple Chewbacca” encompasses several themes and elements that may reveal deeper meanings.

  1. Childhood Setting and Innocence: Dreaming of your elementary school playground suggests nostalgia for childhood, a time of simplicity and play. It also indicates a connection to your past, perhaps reflecting feelings or memories from that time.

  2. Transformation of the Playground: The green field turning into an ocean symbolizes a transition from a safe, familiar environment to something vast and unpredictable. This shift could represent feelings of anxiety or fear about growing up or facing new challenges different from your childhood experiences.

  3. The Presence of the Wookiee: The Purple Chewbacca intrigues you but also instills fear. The Wookiee could symbolize something large and powerful in your life that feels threatening or out of control. Its friendly appearance contrasted with its anger suggests duality—perhaps something that seems harmless or fun can become threatening if not approached with caution.

  4. Concern for Family: Your instinct to save your brother and his friend from the Wookiee reflects your protective nature. This dynamic may symbolize your responsibility towards your loved ones, particularly regarding their safety in potentially dangerous situations. It may also suggest a deeper worry about their well-being and your perceived inability to protect them.

  5. Role of Humor vs. Danger: Your brother and his friend’s laughter in the face of danger points to a youthful innocence or fearlessness. It could represent a divide between your feelings and theirs—their obliviousness to a threat that you recognize, perhaps reflecting real-life situations where you feel more aware of dangers than those around you.

  6. Confrontation with Fear: Your return to the playground to save them reiterates the theme of confrontation. You face your fears, but they may also symbolize authority or power. The fact that your plea to stop was ignored hints at feelings of frustration when dealing with situations where you feel unheard or powerless.

Content-wise, this dream encapsulates themes of nostalgia, maturation, protection, and the sometimes chaotic transition from childhood to adolescence. It presents an imaginative clash between playful innocence and the complex reality of growing older.